As you may already know, audiologists are experts in all things to do with your hearing. Many people think that audiologists are only about hearing tests, but they actually have a much broader scope for healthcare. From your ear health to your balance, audiologists are able to help you with so much more than just your hearing. They play a pivotal role in your hearing health as well as other conditions, and they can advise you on ear care and how to prevent existing hearing issues from getting worse, too. Some of the top conditions that an audiologist can treat for you include the following:

Hearing Loss

If you believe that your hearing is declining in any way, then speaking to an audiologist is a smart decision to make. They can work with you to determine how bad the hearing loss is as well as how best to support it. Once the audiologist tests and establishes the type of hearing loss you are experiencing, they can then work with you to treat it and make it easy for you to manage. This can be anything from hearing aids to other assistive devices and then they’ll do what they can to maximize your hearing loss.


Audiologists can help you with vertigo and balance issues. Most people are unaware that their hearing issues can be because of balance instead of something wrong with the external ear structure. Ears help us to balance and problems with your inner ear can cause dizziness and a shift in your equilibrium. Audiologists can perform tests to diagnose those issues and they can help you to be supported in feeling more balanced overall.


That long-time ringing in the ear? That can be tinnitus. Around 50-million Americans are treated every year for tinnitus, and it’s characterized by things like humming, hissing and clicking in the ears. If you are experiencing this, then your audiologist could be the one to help. Tinnitus can be caused for a range of reasons, from earwax or loud noises to certain medications to hearing loss. Once there is a cause, your audiologist will advise you on your options.


Contrary to popular belief, you should never use cotton buds in your ears to clear out any muck. Earwax builds up in the ear and it’s supposed to move to the outer ear for you to clean. Sometimes, it builds up in the inner ear and causes a blockage.

An audiologist can help you to unblock the earwax and teach you how to prevent it from building up again. It’s important to have wax unblocked from your ear if you suspect that it’s building up, and they can help you to irrigate it and clear it out properly. 

If you are dealing with hearing loss or you suspect a blockage, then an appointment with an audiologist is the best thing that you can do next. They will be able to direct you in what to do next to support your ear health.