As the weather improves and the temperatures start to rise, you may wonder if your hearing aids devices require consideration. Think about it: if you are hot, your hearing aids are probably getting hot as well. Furthermore, as you heat up in the sun, your body heat can influence your hearing devices. Here, we will look at how the heat impacts your hearing aid and how you can take care of them in hot conditions. 

Sweat and Additional Moisture

You might very well sweat more if you go outside in the heat. Sweat, along with earwax and other debris, can clog your ears or enter the small crevices in your aids. As a result, you may need to clean your hearing aids more frequently than in the cooler months. 

Sweat is a major issue for hearing aids, especially because excess moisture from sweat, as well as humid air circulating around you can enter the delicate device. If you live in a humid area, you may want to keep a dehumidifier surrounding the vicinity where you store your devices when not in use.

Summertime also necessitates the use of insect repellents and sunblock on a more frequent basis. As a result, pay close attention to how you apply those substances. For example, if you use spray sunblock on your face or shoulders, your device may become moist.

Sun Can Cause It to Get Hot and Malfunction

When your device is exposed to the intense heat of summer, it may overheat. The circuit board inside your hearing aids is vulnerable to heat damage. Stay inside if possible, during the hottest parts of the day, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m to avoid damage to the circuit from the heat.

Not Storing It Properly

When it is hot, we tend to engage in activities such as going in the pool or visiting the beach and take our hearing aids out to protect them. This is what you should be doing, of course, to protect them from the water, but not storing them safely can also cause big problems. If you leave them out in direct sunlight, they are going to malfunction or even melt, as we explore in our next point, but they are also susceptible to dirt, dust and sand, as well as the potential of being trodden on or lost. Make sure that you carry something to store them out of direct sunlight and away from sources of moisture and dirt.

They Can Melt

Believe it or not, in hot enough temperatures, your hearing aids can melt! If you are outside in direct sunlight, try to stick to shaded areas and wear a hat that will shade your face and ears. Pay attention to it as well; if it starts feeling hot or sticky, it might be time to take it out and check it and remember, just because it looks okay on the outside does not mean that the inside components have not been affected.