Seeing an audiologist about hearing loss is the first step to getting peace of mind and improving your overall quality of life. They’ll be able to get the root of the problem and find out the cause and type of your hearing loss. They’ll then propose a suitable solution and provide you with the support you need to cope with hearing loss. Whether you or a family member is experiencing hearing loss, the important thing to do is to see an audiologist to get all the information and help you need.

How does an audiologist diagnose hearing loss?

At your appointment, the audiologist will perform hearing tests. This is known as pure-tone audiometry. You will sit in a sound-proof environment and be given a button to press every time you hear a noise. This test is completely comfortable. The test will produce a graph called an audiogram as a result which the audiologist will use to determine the level and type of your hearing loss.

As well as performing a hearing test, the audiologist will also ask you lifestyle questions. These may include questions about exposure to loud noise at work or in your social life, for instance. The audiologist will also give your ears a thorough checkup to determine the cause of your hearing loss, whether it’s a build-up of wax, infection, injury or another condition. They will explain the details to you during the appointment to give you a better understanding of the issue.

What happens if you’re diagnosed with hearing loss?

If you’re diagnosed with hearing loss, you will then be recommended a suitable treatment. The most common and effective treatment is hearing aids. The audiologist will explain the different types of hearing aids and help you choose the ones that best suit your lifestyle and preferences. As well as helping you choose a hearing aid, they’ll also give you plenty of tips and advice on how to get used to wearing it, along with cleaning and maintenance instructions.

If you’re living with hearing loss, an audiologist can give you advice on how to improve communication. This may include speech techniques or tips for other people. They will also explain the different types of support you have available to you, such as groups or therapies. Your audiologist may also recommend devices and software with advanced features that will help make your life easier.

What are the next steps?

After seeing an audiologist about hearing loss, it’s important to arrange a follow-up appointment. They will let you know how often you need to have your hearing and hearing aids checked, depending on your unique situation. If you have any issues with your hearing aids or questions about hearing loss, get in touch with an audiologist as soon as possible. This way, you can keep on top of your hearing health. You can rest assured you’re taking all the necessary measures to protect your hearing, ensure your comfort and boost your confidence as a result.