Do you need to wear a hearing aid? If you are experiencing hearing loss, it might be the best treatment option to help you get back to communicating easily. An audiologist will be able to advise you further, so if any of the following signs of hearing loss apply to you, book an appointment at your nearest convenience. 

You are regularly turning up the TV

Television programs can be hard to follow, especially when the music drowns out the dialogue being spoken. For this reason, you might want to adjust your TV settings. However, if other people in the room can hear what is being said but you still find it difficult to make out words, it might be that you are experiencing hearing loss. 

You struggle to hear people on the telephone

Some people speak very quietly so it might be that you need to ask them to speak up. You might also need to adjust the volume control on your phone. However, if their voices still sound muffled or quiet after taking these steps, you do need to consider your hearing ability. An appointment with an audiologist should be the next step you take. 

You struggle to hear people in noisy environments

Many of us struggle to hear people in noisy environments. Night clubs and factories are just two places where a lot of background noise can hinder our ability to hear correctly. However, if background noise isn't a problem for the people, you're with, perhaps when eating in a busy restaurant, it might be that your ability to hear well has been compromised. An inability to mask out background noise when listening to people speak is a common sign of hearing loss, so it might be that a hearing aid will help you. 

People don't seem to speak very clearly

Not everybody speaks clearly. Some people mumble their words and some people have speech impediments. For these reasons, your inability to hear what they are saying might not be attributed to your hearing. 

You regularly misunderstand what people say

It might be that you misunderstand what some people say because they don't speak clearly. However, if you regularly mishear words, it might be that you do have hearing loss. Struggling to discern different speech sounds is a definite warning sign, especially when listening to people who speak in higher frequencies, such as women and children. An audiologist will test your ability to hear different frequencies when carrying out your hearing exam so book an appointment with them.

If you related to the signs of hearing loss, it might be that you do need a hearing aid. However, there are other reasons for loss of hearing, such as a buildup of wax or an ear infection, so it might be that you don't need a hearing aid at all. An audiologist will be able to advise you further, so book an appointment today and benefit from the advice they can give to you.