Data indicates that 25-million Americans, many of whom are adults, have experienced mild-to-moderate cases of tinnitus in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, research continues to release information about the possible risk factors in hopes of finding a permanent treatment. Until that happens, this is how tinnitus can impact your quality of life.

Disrupted Sleeping Habits

Sleep is an important activity for every human. It is the period for cells to regenerate, repair and more importantly, allow the brain to compartmentalize memories. Lack of quality sleep can lead to persistent fatigue, stress and a general body slow down. For people with tinnitus, the acute awareness of constantly ringing sounds can interrupt night sleep or relaxation.

This is why people experiencing it are advised to visit a local audiologist as soon as possible. Quality sleep is crucial to physical, emotional and mental health. Therefore, an imbalance in these three areas can throw your body out of equilibrium, so keep this in mind. In recent times, tinnitus has been linked to weight gain.

How is this possible? It all ties into lack of sleep and the resulting impact on your body mass index. Your body needs good sleep to function properly. A lack of it will increase irritability and impact your general well-being.

Problems with Communication and Focus

People with tinnitus usually can’t maintain meaningful conversations with loved ones due to the persistent sound in their ears. And they are the only ones who perceive these sounds. It is no wonder that the condition is sometimes described as the perception of phantom sounds. An individual who persistently hears ringing, buzzing, roaring or humming sounds may struggle with maintaining focus on an activity.

In other cases, it can interfere with communication. During conversations, you will have difficulty keeping up with discussion details. This happens because the internal ringing sounds prevent you from grasping everything that was said. How would you contribute meaningfully to such conversations?

Your inability to do so automatically impacts communication. It is advisable to book an appointment with the audiologist when you perceive sounds nobody else hears. It is better to know what you’re dealing with than assume it will be clear.

Impact on Mental Health

According to data, 75% of people with tinnitus experience depression at some point. These people often deal with feelings of despair, fear and angst. Indeed, it is through no fault of theirs. However, the situation can take a toll on psychological well-being. Admittedly, tinnitus is not the direct cause of mental health issues. However, the associated effects, like the impact on quality sleep and self-isolation, can affect a person psychologically.

The best thing to do is seek immediate help when tinnitus lasts more than a week. The audiologist will determine if the ringing sounds are signs of gradual hearing loss. Ideally, the sooner you attend to these issues, the better the outcomes can be. Talk to your audiologist today about tinnitus and what may be the most effective treatment for you.

Tags: faqs, tinnitus management tips, tinnitus symptoms