If you are going to be purchasing hearing aids, then you need to get the right ones for you. There are a range of different styles, like behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and in the canal (ITC) and within these hearing aids there are a multitude of different features that you can choose from. It all depends on the severity of your loss, type of hearing aid and your lifestyle. There are many features available but there are some that you may want regardless that will help with your lifestyle. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the most important features to consider, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Rechargeable Batteries

The first thing that we’re going to look at is rechargeable batteries. If you don’t want to have to complete regular maintenance that involves a lot of fiddling with the hearing aid, then rechargeable batteries are going to be one of your best options. Rechargeable batteries can last a long time if properly cared for, you won’t have to worry about constantly changing your batteries when they die. These may be the best option for you if you lead an active lifestyle.

Wireless Connectivity

We live in the age of technology now, and things are always developing in one way or another. As such, it’s not surprising that wireless connectivity is now one of the options on some hearing aids, allowing them to connect with Bluetooth-compatible devices. This means that you can connect your hearing aids to your smartphone, your computer or maybe even your television.

Noise Reduction

All hearing aids have some kind of noise reduction available as this is in the nature of the hearing aid itself. However, there are varying degrees of noise reduction, and you want to make sure that you have got the hearing aid that provides you with the best level of noise reduction for your situation.

There are some hearing aids that even offer wind noise reduction, so if this is an issue you are facing regularly with your hearing aids, it’s certainly worth looking into.

Directional Microphones

These align on the hearing aid to allow for improved pickup of sounds that are coming in front of you. Directional microphones will allow you to focus on what is going on in that moment, rather than what is happening in the background. What this means is that you should find it much easier to hear, even when you are in an environment that contains a lot of background noise.

When looking at all of these different features it’s important to consider they severity of your loss and the hearing aid you will be choosing. Some features may only be for certain hearing aids. Talk with your hearing health professional about these features and what would be the best option for you regarding the lifestyle that you lead.

Tags: hearing aid features, hearing aid technology